My baby is almost 1. Should he be sleeping through the night?

Sleeping through the night is a developmental milestone many moms are ready for, and how to wean from nighttime feedings is a common question! Baby will get there when they are ready, but usually if they are over 9 months and feeding well during the day, they may do well with other comfort measures, instead of breastfeeding, overnight. 


Wait a few minutes to see if baby will settle on their own

Rub baby's back & sing softly while baby is still in the crib

See if changing the diaper helps with discomfort

Pro Tip: Send Dad in, instead of you going. 

What other overnight comforting techniques worked for your baby?



1 comment
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  • I ended up giving my first (daughter) a pacifier after 3 weeks and then my second (son) found his fingers super early on! Those did help at night but both babies continued to nurse overnight through infancy. My daughter nursed alot, every 2-3 hours, basically until I weaned her at 24 months. There were alot of reasons for this so don't want to scare anyone away! Lol! My son stopped night nursing around 10 months if I remember right-- but would nurse around 10-11pm and again around 6am. After he got to be 12 months old he started to wake more often due to teething. Giving him a sip of water and offering a teether during night-wakings helped and he went back to sleep quickly. 

    I agree with sending dad in! There were many times I couldn't get my son to sleep at all! Then dad would come in, hold him just the right way, walk around for a minute... and my son fell asleep. Lol!


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