
I've dealt with a few breastfeeding issues throughout my breastfeeding journey. The biggest obstacle I had to overcome, though, was my own insecurity that I was able to provide all my baby needed nutritionally. I was worried she was not getting enough breastmilk and as much as I wanted to exclusively breastfeed, I thought the best choice was to give at least some formula. If it wasn't for the support I received from family and friends, I would have not continued breastfeeding. They helped me realize that all the good signs that she was getting enough to eat were there. Breastfeeding got easier, and I got more confident in my body's ability to meet my baby's needs.



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  • I think I was really insecure about what people thought. Some of my family members would make fun of my child "always wanting the boob" and hassle me to "just give them a bottle." So that was really hard on me. They didn't necessarily say anything mean but I didn't feel very supported. I gained alot of pride in myself for continuing on and breastfeeding my kiddos despite their taunts. 


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