Mind-Blowing Breast Milk Facts

I know my breast milk is good for my baby, but what makes it so special?

Many people hear about the amazing health benefits breast milk provides for babies. Some are even aware that breastfeeding benefits nursing mothers as well. Read on for some lesser known, but still mind-blowing breast milk facts!

Extraordinary Benefits

It’s Alive: Breast milk is a living substance that has cells, including stem cells. They go on to become other body cell types like brain, heart, kidney or bone tissue.

Baby Backwash: YOUR breast milk is tailored to YOUR baby. If they need more protein, fat, etc. your body picks that up through their saliva as it enters the breast and makes more. If baby gets sick, your body produces made-to-order antibodies that speed up recovery.

Germ Buster: A special protein and enzyme (found in colostrum at higher amounts) increases again as babies become more active and start to move around. This helps protect them from bacteria and viruses they are exposed to as they explore their surroundings (and put everything in their mouth).

Big Brains: Breast milk has nutrients that promote brain growth and nervous system development. Studies suggest babies who were breastfed go on to score higher on intelligence tests.

Healing Power: Breast milk can help heal wounds faster. Putting a drop of it on minor cuts, burns and scrapes promotes healing. Some moms use breast milk to treat eczema, diaper rash or their own sore nipples. Frozen breast milk popsicles can be used to soothe teething pain.

Pain-Killer: Breast milk is a natural pain reliever. During growth spurts, breast milk can ease growing pains. Nursing during procedures (like vaccinations) seems to result in baby crying less. ​

Sleep Aid: Breast milk changes throughout the day. The substances in your body that affect your circadian rhythm (24-hour cycle that aligns with day and night, signaling your body when it’s time to wake, sleep, eat) are found in your breast milk. Towards the end of the day, breast milk has more serotonin; a hormone that promotes healthy sleep.

Flavor Packed: Your breast milk tastes different depending on what you eat, exposing baby to multiple flavors. Because of this, breastfed babies tend to be less picky eaters.

Beyond the Basics: Rewards of Breastfeeding

Pick-Me-Up: Breastfeeding triggers the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, which are known as the “love” or “feel good” hormones. They promote a bond with your baby that lasts a lifetime! Increased oxytocin levels also help calm mom, which lowers blood pressure and stress levels.

Protective Power: Breast cancer risk goes down by 4.3% for each year a woman breastfeeds, plus there's a 7.0% lower risk for each baby she has.

Act of Love: A year of breastfeeding equals more than 1,800 hours of a mother's time. This is close to a full-time job! You didn’t receive a paycheck, but got something even more valuable; a happy, healthy baby, who benefited from your generosity! 

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