Magic Nursing Position

A lactation consultant has been helping me with latch and suggested I try a natural nursing position. What is that and why is she recommending it?

What a great suggestion! Laid-back breastfeeding, sometimes called biological breastfeeding or natural breastfeeding, is very helpful when babies are struggling to achieve a good, deep latch. This is likely the position you and baby found yourselves in right after delivery; baby’s instinct was to find the breast and latch. Going back to this position triggers baby’s natural instinct to repeat that behavior. We refer to it as the “magic position.”

Before Latching:

  • Undress baby to their diaper.
  • Recline in a chair or on the couch. (Click here for information on safe sleep.)
  • Get comfortable, using pillows (especially under your head and neck) as needed.
  • Lay baby on top of your bare chest, with their tummy on your tummy, and cover with a blanket if desired. Many moms find that a loose-fitting top, that pulls up easily, or a button-up shirt works well.

Don’t underestimate the importance of skin-to-skin contact when using this position—it increases success!

Time to Latch

  • Allow baby to rest their cheek on your breast.
    • Make sure their head is turned to one side, with their nose and mouth exposed.
    • Ensure that baby’s neck is straight, and their shoulders and chest are facing you.
  • Baby may search for the nipple and latch on their own. Their cheek to your breast triggers their instinct to turn toward the breast and latch. 
  • Help baby find the nipple, if needed.
    • Rub your nipple on baby’s upper lip to encourage them to open wide. 
    • Baby’s chin should touch your breast first, then the tip of their nose.
    • To prevent baby's feet from dangling, ensure they are supported by your body.

Oftentimes, while in this position, babies can latch deeply onto the breast. A deep latch is vital for adequate milk transfer (how much milk baby removes) and milk supply. Whenever latching becomes a struggle, go back to the magic position and let nature remind your baby how it’s done.

Magic Position 1.jpgLaidBack.jpg



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