My hospital nurse told me they prefer moms to ‘room-in’ with their babies rather than send them to the nursery. What is this and why do they prefer it?
Rooming-in with your baby is when you keep your baby with you at all times. You don't send them to the nursery to be cared for and fed by a nurse. This is a great way to get breastfeeding off to a good start. It also lowers your chances of baby blues, helps with your sleep pattern, and gives you more confidence in caring for your baby. You start learning your baby's feeding cues. Hearing, seeing, and smelling your baby after delivery will increase your milk-making hormone, prolactin.
You will have plenty of time to practice latching your baby, and you will do it more often. This will give your baby lots of your colostrum, which will help your mature milk come in faster. Your baby is used to being in your womb. Rooming-in with you comforts your baby and reduces their stress. If you need to rest after having your baby but also want to room-in, tell your support person and hospital staff.
For more information about breastfeeding during your hospital stay, click here.