Months 2 - 5

 What should I expect during the first few months of breastfeeding?

Watch Your Baby Change & Grow

  • Your baby’s weight should continue to grow steadily, following their growth curve.
  • Your baby should continue to have several wet diapers daily and poop regularly.
  • Your baby might seem interested in the foods you are eating, but they should continue to receive only breast milk or formula at this age. Their digestive system is not fully developed until 6 months of age. Your baby’s body digests and absorbs nutrients in breast milk the best. You can be a good example as they watch you eat. Choose healthy foods your WIC office has recommended so your baby can see you enjoying these nutritious foods.
  • You might wonder if your baby is teething! Every baby is different. Teething starts on average between 4 and 7 months of age. But your baby might start sooner or later than that. You can still breastfeed! Your breast milk has vitamins and minerals to make your baby's teeth strong.

Starting to Feel Like Yourself Again?

  • As you transition out of the early weeks, you may be thinking about losing the weight you gained during pregnancy. Make sure you get the all-clear from your doctor before resuming normal activities and starting an exercise routine, and remember that your baby's nutrition is most important.
  • Your body is working hard to make breast milk, and you are burning many calories. It's important to eat a healthy balanced diet with enough calories. If you are thinking about any diet to lose weight, talk with your WIC nurse or healthcare provider first. Some weight loss is normal, but you wouldn’t want to go on a strict diet that limits your food intake while you are breastfeeding. 

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