I've breastfed for one month, what's normal at this point?
You’ve made it through those first few weeks and that's something to be proud of!
Your Milk Supply
- You might feel like your breasts aren’t producing “enough” since they are softer, but this means your milk supply has leveled out for what your baby needs.
- Your breasts are now making mature milk, meaning the proteins in your milk have changed a bit. This change in protein can cause your baby to have fewer stools (poop). This is normal! Your baby might only poop a few times a week. As long as the poop is still normal for a breastfed baby (yellow and mustard-like) and your baby doesn’t seem in pain when going, this is nothing to be alarmed about.
Your Baby
- Your baby's weight should have increased back up to its birth weight by two weeks of age. They should be steadily gaining weight on their growth curve.
- You might notice that your baby cries more than they did in the beginning. Your baby goes through many stages of development in the first year of life. Learning to communicate by crying is an important stage. Your baby cries for many reasons—not just hunger! Try not to feel discouraged. You will learn what your baby needs!
- Your baby might still wake several times during the night to breastfeed. This is still normal for a one-month-old. If your baby is already sleeping through the night, it’s best to speak with your baby’s doctor about whether to wake them to feed during the night. To learn more about normal infant sleep patterns, click here.
Your Plans
- If you are returning to work/school soon or already have, pump every 2-3 hours away from your baby. This will help keep your milk supply steady. Show your baby's caregiver how to use the paced bottle feeding method, and remind them to do it.
- For more tips on pumping and bottle feeding, click here. For breast milk storage and handling guidelines, click here.