Meet Jennie - Peer Counselor

Hi, I am Jennie!

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After becoming a mom, I became passionate about supporting women and moms!

My breastfeeding experience includes: 

  • breastfeeding with shields for four months
  • exclusively pumping for nine months
  • breastfeeding twins and singles
  • breastfeeding durations of 13 months with twins, two and half years with my third and over four years with my fourth/last baby
  • plugged ducts, mastitis, oversupply, strong letdown, returning to work, nipple blebs, various pumps and nipple shields

I graduated with a BA in Media Communications and English and spent a year in biblical studies at Briercrest Bible College near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada. I co-directed the local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group for five years and served in various program capacities two years prior. Currently, I am part of the the Celebrate Recovery program thru our local church and serve on the board for the Brookings Area Multicultural Center as the Events Coordinator.

I deeply enjoy getting to know international women/mothers in our community and connecting them with people and resources while they are here. From 1999 to 2007 BC (before children), I loved traveling abroad (Mexico, Canada, France, Italy, Austria), understanding the struggles one can face in a new country without family support nearby, not to mention language or cultural barriers.  

To date, my most significant accomplishments are my marriage of 16 years and our four kids. We've got two high schoolers, one middle schooler and one elementary age. It's a rush!
When there is time (and more importantly, money), my husband and I like to travel by car around the country.

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